Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine Continuing Medical Education

Expanding the Tide

Friday,  February 14, 2025

8:00 am Introduction 
Literature supporting the model presented in Interface.
Basic science underlying the model.
8:15 am Introduce Faculty
8:30 am Lecture – Long Fascial Relationships to
8:45 am Lab – Hiss Whip Technique
9:15 am Lab – Medial and Lateral Foot 
9:45 am Break 
10:00 am Lab- Interosseous Membrane
10:30 am Lab- Balancing Hamstrings
11:00 am Lab- Harmonizing Three Parts of Pelvis Femoral Head in Acetabulum
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Pelvic Diaphragm
1:45 pm Psoas Muscle
2:30 pm Respiratory Diaphragm 
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Arcuate Ligaments
3:45 pm Sternum, T Spine, Ribs, Sibson’s Fascia
4:45 pm Questions/Check students
5:00 pm Adjourn

Saturday, February 15, 2025

8:00 am Lecture Review Day One.
8:15 am Lecture Introduction PRT
8:30 am Lab   Check partner to see if switched
8:45 am Lab   Check Partner querying Tide
9:15 am Lecture PRM
9:30 am Lab ID all joints for lack of vitality 
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Lecture Hand Modes
11:15 am Lecture Hand Mode Two/Sympathetic Nervous System
11:30 am Lab Check  Sympathetic  Chain Ganglia 
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Lab   Treat Prevertebral Ganglia
1:30 pm Lecture Hand Mode Three and Four
1:45 pm Lecture Hand Mode Five
2:00 pm Lab Dx partner using Hand Mode Five 
2:45 pm Break 
3:00 pm Lecture Hand Mode Six
3:15 pm Lab Hand Mode Six
4:00 pm Lab Contact Reflex Analysis
4:30 pm Lecture Priorities/Causal Chaining
5:00 pm Adjourn/ Check Students/ Demonstration

Sunday, February 16, 2025

8:00 am Lecture Review Day Two
8:15 am Lecture Intelligence of the Tide
9:00 am Lecture Inion Technique
9:15 am Lab Inion Technique
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Lecture Cerebellar Twist
10:30 am Lab Treat Cerebellar Twist
11:15 am Lecture Brain Dynamo
11:30 am LAB Brain Dynamo 
12:15 pm Lunch 
1:15 pm  Lecture Autonomic Pistol
1:30 pm Lab Autonomic Pistol
2:15 pm Lecture Thalamic Shift
2:30 pm Lab Thalamic Shift
3:15 pm Break
3:30 pm Demonstration/Q&A
4:45 pm Treat Heads
5:00 pm Adjourn


SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF OSTEOPATHIC CRANIAL ACADEMY APPROVED 40-HOUR INTRODUCTORY Course plus an intermediate course or its equivalent and five years in practice 


Will be announced in Parker, CO

Cancellation policy: 

All cancellations must be received in writing and are subject to an administrative fee of 15% of the total registration fee if received on or before January 15, 2025. Refunds will not be made for cancellations received after January 15, 2025, or for failure to attend. There is no discount for persons not wishing to attend food functions. No personal taping is permitted.

Liability Release: 

Participation in this program will involve physical activity, including contact by and with instructors and other participants. This, and particularly activity involving physical diagnostics and manual therapeutics, could possibly entail risks for participants of new injury or aggravation of pre-existing conditions. 

By applying to participate, the applicant acknowledges and assumes the risk associated with participating in the laboratory sessions and agrees to hold The Rocky Mountain Academy of Osteopathy and the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine and fellow participants harmless indemnify, defend and free of liability from and against any damage or personal injury that might occur during or as a result of participation in this program. Furthermore, the applicant covenants to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend The Rocky Mountain Academy of Osteopathy and the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine from and against any use or misuse that applicant may make at any time of any knowledge or information that applicant derives from participation in this program. The applicant should carry adequate liability insurance which would be activated in the instance of the use or misuse of this knowledge or information. Participants in the course are examined and treated by instructors following the course in case any problems arise from treatment by fellow students.

I acknowledge that I have read the Liability Release and agree to the statement.

*PROGRAM topics are subject to change at any time before CME event dates.

Registration Fee which includes lunch:

 $750 (members CSOM or Rocky Mountain Academy of Osteopathy or physicians who took a prior course by the Rocky Mountain Academy of Osteopathy) 

All other Physicians

$800 before January 15, 2025 

$850 after January 15,2025

Residence and Students $400

The Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine and the Rocky Mountain Academy of Osteopathy has requested that the AOA Council on Continuing Medical Education approve this program for 24  hours of Category 1-A AOA CME.